Helping you to find a clear life purpose, unleash your potential and release your powers to create a beautiful journey.

Guidance & Inspiration
through the Path of
Self-Discovery and Self-Love
Get the Most out of
Who You Are and Meet
the Best Version of Yourself
Embrace Life’s Challenges
with Your Most Powerful Talents
and Transform Them into
Your Best Opportunities
Lifeline Coaching is a broad concept of coaching which comprehends all the areas in life as a whole (family, relationships, work, self-care, daily habits, events, etc.). We'll base our approach on those different areas in your life so that you can identify, recognize and verbalize your main pillars and priorities.
By using your own strengths and natural talents, you’ll be empowered to make choices from your head and your heart that will take you where you really want to go.
We will invigorate and manage your energy while maintaining focus on your daily routines to stay motivated.
We will explore the diverse topics that keep holding you back in your life and don't let you reach happiness and fulfilment.
It's all about discovering your authenticity, your strengths and your confidence.

What does 'happiness' mean to you?
What is your purpose in life?
What do you find fulfilling?
How is your level of motivation?
How to leverage your talents?
How to achieve your personal goals?
What are your next steps to move forward?
Would you like to discover new directions?
Are you seeking success?
Are you going through a tough and
stressful period?
Are you feeling stuck in life?
Frustrated, bored or uninspired?
Would you like to increase your positive intelligence?
How much do you know about your own values?
In which way is the global pandemic affecting you? Would you like to talk about it?
The Enneagram is one of the most complete and deepest systems of personality that helps us understand the different patterns of unconscious strategies of humankind.
We will use a narrative approach to explore the most hidden and unconscious layers of your behaviour, which will bring us to find out the triad you belong to and hopefully the type on the Enneagram you most resonate with.
We will follow the path of growth that the Enneagram brings to claim your wholeness and work towards the best expression of yourself. There is a path of integration and a path of disintegration of each type, and we'll work with yours.
We'll become a partnership of self-discovery.

Would you like to increase your self-awareness?
How much do you know about the Enneagram? Would you like to learn (more) about it?
Are you trying to find out what is
your core motivation?
Do you want to discover what is your center of gravity and how this manifests in your behaviour?
How are you coping with your own vulnerabilities and weak points?
Would you like to improve your self-control?
Are you truly aware of your full potential?
Do you want to reach your highest expression?
Would you like to increase your self-confidence?
Would you like to improve your communication, listening and observation skills?
Would you like to improve your relationships? And your communication with people? Would you like to stop taking some behaviours or personalities personally?
Do you want to know more about that specific pattern of unconscious interest, strategy and behaviour that you show in front of certain situations in life?
We will begin your journey of self-discovery together that will lead you towards your desired career path.
We will focus on increasing your energy management and place your values in a good place. We will carve out personal time, manage family & professional demands, develop mental health & physical fitness.
We will focus on developing your self-awareness, increasing your flexibility and building your confidence.
We will become acquainted with the pillars of leadership, mentoring, coaching and developing others.

What type of job would best fit your skills,
passions and your most inner strengths?
Are you heading into or going through
a job transition period?
Do you experience difficulties when encountering change or embracing new ways of working?
Are you lacking inspiration and
motivation at work?
Would you like to find a new career path?
Are you feeling stuck at work?
Going nowhere fast?
Afraid of taking next steps in your career?
What do you know about time-management?
What are your super-powers?
And how are you using them?
Going through a stressful period?
Are you feeling pressure or uncertainty?
Are you feeling uncomfortable
when speaking in front of an audience?
Would you like to increase your self-leadership skills and effectiveness?
Do you know how to handle busy times at work and hectic times at home? Do you need some more balance?
Do you want to learn how to leverage your people management and team leadership skills?
Would you like to increase the influence you have on others?